Kids & Youth

At Hope Church, we love kids and youth

Kids and youth are an important part of our church community. Our desire is to share the truth of Jesus with everyone, including young people. As such, we strive to create a church community where all kids and youth feel that they belong.

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Hope Kids

We love kids at Hope Church! We create a safe, friendly and fun place for kids to learn about Jesus and make friends.

Sunday Kids' Church


Sitting Up - Age 3


Age 3 - School


Grades K-5

Weekly Kids' Club


Grades K-6

All of our Kids Leaders have a completed Working With Children Check and have undertaken training in working with kids. On Sunday mornings, we have Kids’ Church for those crèche aged to grade 5. On Friday afternoons, we have a Kids’ Club for children in Kindergarten to grade 6.

We welcome all kids. If your child has a disability or any requirements, we would welcome your input as to how we can best care for and involve them in our programmes. We have a Parents’ Room if your child is restless or needs feeding.

Each one of our programmes is focused on teaching the Bible through engaging, age-based learning experiences.

Hope Youth

Our Youth leaders have a completed Working With Children Check and have undertaken training in working with youth.

At Hope Youth, we want to share the truth of Jesus with teenagers. We think the message about Jesus shapes and transforms their lives, so we spend time gathering on Fridays and Sundays to hear about Him. Hope Youth is also a great place for teenagers to build relationships with one another.

Hope Youth meets on Fridays and Sundays.

Hope Youth, for grades 6-12, meets at church every Friday night during school terms, beginning with dinner.

On Sunday mornings, we run Sunday Youth for our Junior Youth (grades 6-8) at our 9am and 10:45am services. Many of our Senior Youth (grades 9-12) come to our 6pm service.

Little Lambs

A play time for 0–5 year olds and their carers.

Get to know families in your community through music and songs, stories, children’s Bible time, free play and fun activities.
There’s also morning tea and coffee for the parents and carers!

